Authorship Coaching

Launch and Scale Your Business with Confidence

Tailored for aspiring and current business owners, one-on-one coaching offers practical knowledge and flexible learning to fit your schedule.


Unpublished Author Coaching

With our custom one-on-one coaching program, you're in the driver's seat! Choose exactly what you want to focus your coaching sessions on and we'll answer all your questions!

  • How to Begin Writing Your Book

  • Foundational Writing Skills

  • How to Write For Your Intended Audience

  • How to Prevent Writer’s Block

  • Choosing a Title with a Marketing Hook

  • Storytelling Techniques

  • Writing Process and Discipline

  • Editing and Revising

  • Publishing Pathways

  • Distribution

  • Marketing and Promotion

  • Legal and Ethical Aspects when using AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Defining Genre

  • How to present your manuscript to an editor

  • Font size to type your manuscript

  • How to choose an editor (Line editor and a story editor)

  • The Role of a Literary Agent

  • How to choose a graphic designer/illustrator

  • The Role of a Literary Agent

  • How to choose a book designer (the person that designs the book for print-ready)

  • How to obtain your book Credentials (ISBN distributor number, Barcode, Copyright)

  • How to Choose a Ghost Writer

  • How to select a book distributor

  • How to price your retail book price

  • How to develop a contract when hiring independent contractors such as: editors, book designers, graphic designer, illustrator, and ghostwriters

  • Select the best printer and printing cost for your book


Published Author Coaching

With our custom one-on-one coaching program, you're in the driver's seat! Choose exactly what you want to focus your coaching sessions on and we'll answer all your questions!

  • Developing a Press Release that gets attention

  • Developing articles titles that grab an editor’s attention (For Print Publication)

  • Develop a business plan

  • Develop Social Media Marketing Strategies

  • Teach legal and ethical aspect when using AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Advanced Writing Techniques

  • Networking and Collaboration

  • Resources and Tools

  • Book signings

  • Interview Technique

  • Booking Interviews (Talk Shows)

  • Writing Articles

  • Writing Blogs

  • Develop your contract for book consignment (Leaving books at a bookstore and get paid when books sell)

30 Minutes - Unpublished Author


One-on-One Coaching

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30 Minutes - Published Author


One-on-One Coaching

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5 Hours (20% off) - Unpublished Author


One-on-One Coaching

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5 Hours (20% off) - Published Author


One-on-One Coaching

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